" To understand just one life, you have to swallow the world." Well i wont open the doors nor the windows to my world, but I'm ready to allow peep-holes!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Day by day

from dusk till dawn

in dew sunshine or storm

this feeling grows in me

and keeps me warm

It should have been that of loss

made me forlorn

but this feeling in me

it keeps me warm

I might be reaching insanity

for what i seek

might not be true

but my heart doesn't believe that

even for seconds few

Such is this feeling in me

warmth it shall always be

Of what it is

i shall never know

a test

a phase

a path unknown

What was

is what is known

With this feeling of past known

future unknown

i listen to voices inside of me

This feeling in me says

it will bring us to we.