" To understand just one life, you have to swallow the world." Well i wont open the doors nor the windows to my world, but I'm ready to allow peep-holes!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Day by day

from dusk till dawn

in dew sunshine or storm

this feeling grows in me

and keeps me warm

It should have been that of loss

made me forlorn

but this feeling in me

it keeps me warm

I might be reaching insanity

for what i seek

might not be true

but my heart doesn't believe that

even for seconds few

Such is this feeling in me

warmth it shall always be

Of what it is

i shall never know

a test

a phase

a path unknown

What was

is what is known

With this feeling of past known

future unknown

i listen to voices inside of me

This feeling in me says

it will bring us to we.


What's In A Name ? said...

Liked this one very much. You bring out the "I" very well in your poems. Feels like reading a random diary entry. Honest yet subtle. ...One thing.. From now on I will be looking forward to read something on the outer-world from you. Howzzat ??? :) Reagards.

seraphicgirl1986 said...

what's in a name:
thank you so much!
check out www.thejoypop.blogspot.com
its my new blog,
though i wish to keep this one active too!

Alok said...

I liked it very much ...loved the way u ended it


seraphicgirl1986 said...

thank you alok for appreciating my work.

Impressionist said...

A post after a long time! :D hehe!
great as always! Oh btwyou are tagged! go to my blog

peace & love

seraphicgirl1986 said...

rajeev, i was away for a while. but this time i'm back with a new blog, actually an additional blog. lets see how long it stays. hope you pay a visit there too.

will visit ur blog fr more info on tagged.

Jeya Anand said...

Wonderful..hope ur wishes come true:)..

seraphicgirl1986 said...

:) thank you jeya!

Sach1 said...

like always it was great to read you...

Lakshmi said...

Very beautiful...I often wonder if we want to love or be loved...which is a more powerful emotion ?

crimsonflaw said...

i found the line
'' of what it is I shall never know ''

very very beautiful.


Cassiopeia Rises said...

Hi. I found your site on another blog. Your name sounded interesting. So glad if came as this poem is lovely and a delight to read. I will be back.



Anonymous said...

all I gatta say


che sara sara said...

very nice post....!
first time here...will be back for more

Liar Goodspeed said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kartik Shankar said...

This feeling in me says
it will bring us to we


Wonderful!!! Masterful

Didnt mean to intrude - but couldnt resist commenting :)

Good write!!


Kartik Shankar said...

PS. Poison coated Elixir eh?
hmmm :) Imaginative, enticing, smack of a deep sense of foreboding, the ultimate temptation :)


surjit singh said...

A good poem.Optimism in the last..
'..This feeling in me says
it will bring us to we.'..
Thanks for sharing. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

I came over from Mortarbled because your comments show profundity >oo< I'm glad I did, because I'm not disappointed; I'm drawn to the contemplative, meditative and introspective..:) You and Shakir have this in common. Stay inspired!

DreamCatcher said...

Hi there ..hope ..u have not forgotten me..:) well seems u away too with this magnificent post..

surjit singh said...

profound words:
..'with this feeling of past known
future unknown
i listen to voices inside of me..'
Thanks Sugar Coated, for sharing another wonderful post.
God bless.

What's In A Name ? said...

u stopped bloggin kyaa ??

umangexuberance said...

that was a beautiful play of words :)
nice blog


Anonymous said...

Lovely poem. I imagine many people feel that way sometimes; I know I do.

Craftsman of light said...

Very touching blog...awaiting your next poem.

floots said...

love this one - and the illustration is the perfect complement